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SRD makes it a priority to advocate for the well-being of Syrians in need. Our programs’ success depends on strong advocacy that improves the community’s response to the desperate suffering of the Syrian people. This includes issues like protection for healthcare workers and safe passages for civilians trapped amid violence. We will continue advocating for the Syrian people, amplifying their voices, for as long as the conflict continues.


SRD makes it a priority to advocate for the well-being of Syrians in need. Our programs’ success depends on strong advocacy that improves the community’s response to the desperate suffering of the Syrian people. This includes issues like protection for healthcare workers and safe passages for civilians trapped amid violence. We will continue advocating for the Syrian people, amplifying their voices, for as long as the conflict continues.

As Syria goes through the eleventh year of the crisis, SRD commits to the following advocacy initiatives:

As Syria goes through the eleventh year of the crisis, SRD commits to the following advocacy initiatives:

Stop Systematic Targeting of Healthcare Personnel and Facilities

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) reported 601 attacks on 400 medical facilities and documented the killing of 945 medical personnel.

Stop Chemical Weapons Attacks

Syria has reported many chemicals since 2013, when numerous lethal gas attacks occurred in Aleppo, Idleb, and the outskirts of Damascus. These attacks cause urgent, large-scale health emergencies that local medical facilities cannot handle. Healthcare professionals who are fighting to save the lives of the most vulnerable people find that getting medical supplies and medication is a huge hardship.

Medical Assistance for Vulnerable Communities

Focused assistance to the health needs of Syrian vulnerable communities has a tangible impact on the overall relief effort. The breakdown of Syria’s health infrastructure continues to acutely affect women, children, and the elderly as their needs are not being met. A lack of medical programs and personnel in Syria focusing on women’s and elderly health will have long-term economic, medical, and psychological repercussions.

Improved Humanitarian Access

Aid access constitutes one of the most crucial humanitarian obstacles facing Syria’s crisis. SRD advocates for improved cross-border and cross-line aid delivery, as well as access to hard-to-reach areas. There is a scarcity of goods and services, including food, clean water, and healthcare. External humanitarian assistance is crucial because these necessities are inaccessible to the majority of the population. In addition, the lingering plight of thousands of Syrians trapped in besieged areas is in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

Investment in Syrian-Led Solutions

Syrians are most in tune with their needs and possess innovative insight regarding how to best administer relief. Humanitarian organizations with ties to Syria’s local populations are able to respond to the crisis in a manner that maximizes aid effectiveness and empowers communities.

Support Syria’s Neighbors

Syria remains the world’s largest refugee crisis. According to the UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, approximately 5.2 million Syrian refugees – have found refuge in neighboring countries, primarily in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. The international obligation to “burden-sharing” dictates that support be mobilized on behalf of these countries. SRD targets its aid to non-camp refugees given the difficulty that they face accessing formal assistance, and the subsequent strain they place on the resources of host communities.

Education for Syria’s Lost Generation

Education must be addressed as a part of the ongoing humanitarian effort. Education restores normalcy in times of crisis, boosts morale, and provides the groundwork for Syria’s future.

Stop Systematic Targeting of Healthcare Personnel and Facilities

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) reported 601 attacks on 400 medical facilities and documented the killing of 945 medical personnel.

Stop Chemical Weapons Attacks

Syria has reported many chemicals since 2013, when numerous lethal gas attacks occurred in Aleppo, Idleb, and the outskirts of Damascus. These attacks cause urgent, large-scale health emergencies that local medical facilities cannot handle. Healthcare professionals who are fighting to save the lives of the most vulnerable people find that getting medical supplies and medication is a huge hardship.

Medical Assistance for Vulnerable Communities

Focused assistance to the health needs of Syrian vulnerable communities has a tangible impact on the overall relief effort. The breakdown of Syria’s health infrastructure continues to acutely affect women, children, and the elderly as their needs are not being met. A lack of medical programs and personnel in Syria focusing on women’s and elderly health will have long-term economic, medical, and psychological repercussions.

Improved Humanitarian Access

Aid access constitutes one of the most crucial humanitarian obstacles facing Syria’s crisis. SRD advocates for improved cross-border and cross-line aid delivery, as well as access to hard-to-reach areas. There is a scarcity of goods and services, including food, clean water, and healthcare. External humanitarian assistance is crucial because these necessities are inaccessible to the majority of the population. In addition, the lingering plight of thousands of Syrians trapped in besieged areas is in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

Investment in Syrian-Led Solutions

Syrians are most in tune with their needs and possess innovative insight regarding how to best administer relief. Humanitarian organizations with ties to Syria’s local populations are able to respond to the crisis in a manner that maximizes aid effectiveness and empowers communities.

Support Syria’s Neighbors

Syria remains the world’s largest refugee crisis. According to the UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, approximately 5.2 million Syrian refugees – have found refuge in neighboring countries, primarily in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. The international obligation to “burden-sharing” dictates that support be mobilized on behalf of these countries. SRD targets its aid to non-camp refugees given the difficulty that they face accessing formal assistance, and the subsequent strain they place on the resources of host communities.

Education for Syria’s Lost Generation

Education must be addressed as a part of the ongoing humanitarian effort. Education restores normalcy in times of crisis, boosts morale, and provides the groundwork for Syria’s future.